Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Losing Locks after WLS Can Be a Hair-iffic Experience

 By Armetta C. Landrum

Okay, it’s several months after your life changing WLS and you are noticing there is a little more hair in your comb or brush. Don’t panic, you are not alone.
A number of men and women suffer with hair loss several months after the procedure. This type of hair loss is called, Telogen Effluvium. 

It has to do with the interruption of the normal pattern of hair growth, hormonal imbalance, dietary changes, stressors, rapid weight loss, vitamin deficiencies and shock to the body.   In most cases, hair will begin to regrow without intervention once weight has stabilized.

According to, if you continue to lose hair after your weight loss stabilizes, or if your hair doesn’t start to grow back, your doctor may check your prealbumin levels to see if you’re getting enough dietary protein. If the prealbumin levels are low, your doctor will likely recommend that you increase your daily protein intake.  He or she may also discover that the loss is due to another underlying medical condition.

Some people, including myself, find that their hair is a little different once it grows back in. For example, a person who had straight hair before surgery might end up with curly hair.  I went from curly to straight hair.


Hair is built with protein. That’s what it’s made of. Make sure you’re taking in enough protein and it will help keep your hair healthy. At least, healthier. 

Check with your doctor to make sure you are getting an adequate amount of protein. You should also ask him or her to check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

  • ·        If you swim a lot, condition your hair BEFORE getting in
  • ·        Back away from the heating tools
  • ·        Sleep on a silk pillowcase
  • ·        Rinse and condition in cold water
  • ·        Try not to brush your hair when it’s wet
  • ·        Avoid silicones, sulfates, and alcohols in your shampoo and conditioner
  • ·        Of course, eating right also helps
  • ·        DON’T wash everyday

Biotin is a supplement many doctors recommend for hair loss ask your physician about its benefits!

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